Jeremiah—known to friends and family as "J"—is a 19 year-old from New Hampshire. His list of hobbies has included Special Olympics skiing, tennis, swimming, baseball, soccer, track, and bowling. Jeremiah also loves riding bikes with his dad, with whom he enjoys a Saturday morning breakfast tradition as well.
At home, the young athlete can be found playing on his tablet, and playing board games and the card game "Uno." Favorite television shows are "American Ninja Warrior" and "Wiggles." Three of Jeremiah's hidden talents are his bottle-flipping skills, his pull-up abilities, and his impressive flexibility.
Jeremiah is another active participant at @accessilm, where he enjoys leading the group in counting reps and selecting exercises.
His mother Kathy says, "We are constantly amazed at what Jeremiah is capable of. It often takes him longer to learn something, but he never quits. Also, his sense of humor is the best. The world needs more laughter, and Jeremiah is happy to make it happen!"
She describes Jeremiah's friendships: "Because the schools {in New Hampshire} are almost 100% inclusive, J had good typical friends as well. In 5th grade, a group of 6 kids gave up one or 2 recesses a week to be in a speech social group with J. They maintained the friendship right through us moving here and 2 of them still video call and try to get together when we are back in New Hampshire. We also keep in touch with the many caregivers/helpers we’ve had over the years. They become part of our family!" His best friend Isaac also has Down syndrome. The two would have sleepovers and attend summer camp together, and now keep up via video calls.
Kathy feels grateful for the community they’ve been a part of: “Jeremiah is one of the most challenging and most rewarding aspects of my life. He has introduced us to a whole new world, filled with many fabulous people.”